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Showing posts from January, 2020

Integrating phpMyAdmin with Amazon RDS Service – MySQL Instance

I found this a very interested solution when you are working with RDS and you need a phpmyadmin on your instance In this tutorial, we will demonstrate the integration of phpmyadmin with running Amazon RDS MySQL instance. Kindly follow the instructions listed below. Default Document Root folder: /var/www/html cd /var/www/html Download phpMyAdmin from the authorized website or use the wget command below. wget Unzip the phpMyAdmin. unzip mv phpMyAdmin-4.7.1-all-languages phpmyadmin && cd phpmyadmin Edit the configuration file for phpMyAdmin. mv Default File vim /* Server parameters */ $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost'; $cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = false; $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = false; Modification Instructi

How to create an Auto Scaling group - Load Balancer with a domain name managed from route53 - AWS

Let's assumed you have requested your ACM , so in other words, you've got already your SSL for your domain name and you've got the domain name ready too with Route53. Let's start deploying an EC2 instance and let it ready with the microservices and frontend we need, for the purpose of this example the instance was set it up with a Centos7 with a service which autostarts the backend Java services and with Nginx as the one is going to be running the front end plus a Reverse Proxy . once you've restarted that instance and it starts without any trouble starting up the whole services, so let's create an Image of that instance. we are going to be 1  Creating a Classic load balancer 2: Creating a Launch Template 3: Creating an Auto Scaling Group  let's start creating a classic load balancer  Select your security group  Choose your certificate from ACM, for this purpose that process was done before about requesting the ACM certifi

How to autostart a Java jar after the OS has been restarted - Centos7/8

If you need to autostart a jar after your operative system has been rebooted using Centos 7/8, then you need to create a service, to do that go to /etc/systemd/system and create in there the name of the service you want to start your app, I gave in this example the service name as  springboot.service I am working with screen for the purpose of this example before starting you need having screen installed, if you don't have it run yum install screen so vim  springboot.service and paste the next instructions in order to set up your service, replace the jar name and the WorkingDirectory by yours, the WorkingDirectory is usually where the jar is so that in most common cases in that directory is where your and other settings you've got [Unit] Description=JavaSpringBoot After=network- on [Service] Type=forking User=root Group=root WorkingDirectory=/home/centos/springboot_jwt/ ExecStart=/usr/bin/screen -S springboot -d -m /usr/bin/ja

Nginx Reverse Proxy in front of SpringBoot

In the last post we were doing some exercises about how to deploy a VueJS app with SpringBoot using SSL, but exposing the whole backend with SSL is not recommended because of security things, the best thing to do is let the backend running just in localhost mode and using this powerful tool which Nginx gives us the Reverse Proxy to be in front the SpringBoot app int this case. What is a reverse proxy? A reverse proxy is a server that sits in front of web servers and forwards client (e.g. web browser) requests to those web servers. Reverse proxies are typically implemented to help increase security, performance, and reliability. let's suppose you've got in your backend 2 endpoints running through the port 7075: /docker/itemspaginados/0 /docker/createitems/ so if the backend is up and running you can run in the server curl  you should get back something like: {"totalItems":"5","totalPages":&